earth ObservatioN-based modElling for maKing thermAl iNequality visible in African cities

ONEKANA (‘to make visible’ in Swahili) is a 2-year Earth Observation research project (2023-2024) funded by the STEREO-IV programme of the Belgian Science Policy.  Its overall scientific objective is to explore the potential of EO and Citizen Science to study how and why urban dwellers with different levels of deprivation are divergently exposed to temperature variations and extremes in low-income countries.  With this project, we want to make urban thermal inequality visible using AI and EO, with the participation of local communities.  The main focus of this project is on sub-Saharan Africa, with small-scale experiments foreseen in Latin America to test the transferability of the developed methods.  Our aim is to model the location, extent and characteristics of areas affected by both high levels of deprivation and high levels of temperature variation/extremes, and to quantify the vulnerable population exposed to such conditions.


ITC - University of Twente



Mis à jour le 10 juin 2024