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About us
ANAGEO (Groupe de recherche en Analyses Géospatiales) is led by Prof. Eléonore Wolff and part of the Institute for Environmental Management and Land-use Planning (IGEAT), Department of Geosciences, Environment and Society, Faculty of Sciences, Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB).
ANAGEO carries out research in the field of man-environment interaction, with a special focus on the study of land cover/land use, its evolution and its determinants, using remote sensing and geospatial analysis. The group has a strong background in deriving geoinformation from satellite and airborne remote sensing imagery - notably through extensive expertise in GIS-based modelling and Object-Based Image Analysis (OBIA) for large-scaled applications entailing big data management. More recently, the group started working and developing deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) for different remote sensing applications. It has been involved in several pluri-disciplinary international projects as coordinator or WP leader.
ANAGEO has a long experience in VHRRS and HRRS remote sensing and spatial analysis of urban areas in Europe and in developing countries, more particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa.
The research topics that are addressed by ANAGEO revolve mainly around the following themes: monitoring of urban areas in space and time, land planning, natural resources management, population estimation, spatial epidemiology, and humanitarian action (including Mine Action).
ANAGEO carries out research in the field of man-environment interaction, with a special focus on the study of land cover/land use, its evolution and its determinants, using remote sensing and geospatial analysis. The group has a strong background in deriving geoinformation from satellite and airborne remote sensing imagery - notably through extensive expertise in GIS-based modelling and Object-Based Image Analysis (OBIA) for large-scaled applications entailing big data management. More recently, the group started working and developing deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) for different remote sensing applications. It has been involved in several pluri-disciplinary international projects as coordinator or WP leader.
ANAGEO has a long experience in VHRRS and HRRS remote sensing and spatial analysis of urban areas in Europe and in developing countries, more particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa.
The research topics that are addressed by ANAGEO revolve mainly around the following themes: monitoring of urban areas in space and time, land planning, natural resources management, population estimation, spatial epidemiology, and humanitarian action (including Mine Action).
Updated on June 22, 2023